We hear the call from Heaven to UNITE intercessors

to pray over the state of Wisconsin!

We believe God desires to pour out His Spirit

in this state like we have never seen before!

We believe that God desires to impact churches,

local and state government, school districts, businesses,

workplaces, families, and individuals’ lives for His glory!

It’s time to go on the offense with prayer and prophetic words.

Let’s push the gates of Hell out of our cities and usher the
Kingdom of God into Wisconsin as it is in Heaven!f Wisconsin!

We believe God desires to pour out His Spirit

in this state like we have never seen before!

We don't know all of the intercessors and prayer warriors in your corner of Wisconsin.

Invite them to join our prophetic prayer movement!

By joining our newsletter, you are uniting with us to intercede over the state of Wisconsin!

We are honored to partner with you in Christ.

You can expect monthly encouragement, prophetic words, prayer prompts, and resources on prayer and intercession delivered right to your inbox.

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